Ancient shipbuilding

Nostalgic memories: wooden ships, caulking, travel, bustling life.

Short story, Documentary, Storytelling  2023   4:31 sec

Stanka Amadeo fondly reminisces about the traditional wooden shipbuilding in Korčula. She recalls tales of skilled workers traveling to different countries, engaging in the meticulous art of caulking. Life during that era was vivid, with bustling activity and distinct scents in the city. A wooden crate, initially used for transporting fish, also served as a storage for their valuable tools. It was an era that engaged all our senses, where the city's sights, sounds, and smells were truly unique.



our vision

"IMAGINE KORCULA" is a project that will present beauty and attractions of the city and island of Korcula. We also think that the island and its people still live in a harmony with each other and we want to show you how we do it. Focused on the best that the city and island offer “Imagine Korcula” strives to develop the content of the highest quality. We hope that the inspiration we find in Korcula will inspire somebody else to experience Korcula.

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